Add tinyMCE text editor to textarea

This snippet will teach you how to integrate thinyMCE text editor to any textarea element

How to use laravel traits

In this snippet I will teach you how to use laravel traits effectively

Image Optimizing using Intervention Image in laravel

In this snippet I will teach you how to optimize images using Intervention Image with laravel

Get distinct values from database using Eloquent ORM

This snippet will teach you how to get distinct values from database using eloquent

Remove folder from local and remote

In this snippet I will teach you how to delete folder from local and remote

multiple route files instead of one file

In this snippet I will teach you how to create multiple route files instead of one file

access validation flashed errors with ajax using XHR

In this snippet I will teach you how to get all validation flashed errors from form request validation using your custom request and receive it from ajax errors

Install laravel with specific version

In this snippet I will provide a code snippet to help you install specific version of laravel based on what you need

Get results with 2 relationships Laravel

In this snippet I will teach you how to get results with query with 2 relationships in laravel