laravel validation date must be after or equal another date

In this snippet I will provide code snippet for validate date in laravel to be after or equal another date

Laravel Validation one of two fields must be filled

In this snippet I will provide a way of validation one filed of two fields that must be filled

Laravel custom messages in lang folder

In this snippet I will teach you how to use custom messages in laravel lang folder to use in your controller or in your blade views

Login with Email or Phone or Username

In this snippet I will teach you how to make login process in laravel using email or phone number or username

MYSQL swap two fileds values in mySql

If you have a table and want to swap two field values together, here is a simple snippet.

Eloquent query with multiple withs or with with within a hirarchy

Some time, you may need to get a record with some relationship and at the same time you need to get an inner relationship to that relationship and so forth. Here is the key : $records->with(['bill', 'bill.sponsor', 'bill.sponsorSenator', 'bill.sponsor.actions']).

How to get collection by array of IDs

At this snippet I will teach you how to get laravel collection with your wanted records by using an array of IDs with default sorting and disabled sorting

Passing javascript array to laravel controller in URL

this snippet will teach you how to pass javascript array from javascript to laravel controller in the url and how to get that array back in laravel controller

Using datatables with examples

Here are different examples on how to use datatables library into your laravel project controllers.

Create toggle button using bootstrap

You can only add the .min.css & .min.js files from the following library to your head code of the page and you will have a toggle button from a check-box. The only thing you need to do for a check-box to be turned into a toggle button is to add the ( data-toggle="toggle" ) attribute to it. Reference :