Category : Laravel

Control Laravel Jetstream & Fortify features

this snippet will teach you how to enable or disable jetstream or fortify features

Suppress or hide the environment variables from error message screen

Some time when an error message is generated from Laravel application, it will contain sensitive data such as the database credentials, SMTP credentials and others. Top stop showing such sensitive data, add the following to your config/app.php

Get Laravel Route Parameters in Middleware

This snippet will teach you how to get route parameters in middleware to check for it or do anything else

Login with facebook in laravel using socialite

In this snippet I am going to explain how to login to your system with facebook using laravel socialite package

Integrate paypal to your laravel project

This snippet will teach you how to integrate paypal to your laravel project

Calculate difference in minutes between created at and current time in Laravel

how to Calculate difference in minutes between created_at and current time in Laravel using carbon

Laravel Inactivity time setting

When user logged-in and remains inactive , they can be logged out after a period of time . so this snippet will teach you this

create middleware in laravel

this snippet will teach you how to create a middleware for accessing specific routes , for example is to test if admin is logged in or not

orderBy on relationship

Sometimes you will need to order the eloquent results based on a relationship for example posts and categgories. Here are different ways to do so based on this laravel daily video :

Force https for pagination

sometimes the https works normally, but the pagination links fire http instead https, so the solution is to use setPath('') on the collection as follows :