Solution for removing password authentication on github

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Last Updated : 2024-04-24 23:17:20

In 13 august 2021 , github removed password authentication so when you push to github you will face a problem here is the solution

1- go to your account to create personal access token .. click on your account avatar -> select settings -> then select developer settings from sidebar -> then choose personal access tokens -> then generate new token -> name your new token and select privilages and expiration date for this token and generate token . 

1- in Windows to use this token go to control panel -> User accounts -> Manage windows credentials -> generic credentials -> select github and edit it -> then paste your new token in password .

Mahmoud Anwar

Mahmoud Anwar

Back End Developer with a passion for developing innovative web applications that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. Well-versed in technology and writing code to create systems that are reliable and user-friendly. Also has the proven ability to motivate, educate, and collaborate effectively to build web applications and effectively track changes. Confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and further their success.