Laravel eloquent, query based on where AND OR inside it

Some times you will need to create an eloquent where clause and inside that where you may need to add extra or where claused

Mysql timestamp to date

To convert a mysql date to an ordinary date you can use the following snippet

Laravel routes without index.php

Sometimes, in a laravel application you need to get rid of the index in the URL, If so you can use the following in your htaccess file in the root folder of your application.

Using Datatables and savestate

When using datatables and made a filter, then navigated a way from the current page for editing or somthing like this as went back to find out that the filteration you have done already is gone, if you want to preserve this state when you comeback, the solution is simple in datatable like this:

social share buttons in laravel blade

how to create social share buttons in laravel blade

Change date format in blade template

Change date format in blade template even with input type month

Refresh&reload the content in Div using jquery&ajax

Refresh/reload the content in Div using jquery/ajax

NodeJs & ExpressJs snippets

In this article you will find a quick start code and snippets that reminds you how to do the badic stuff in each of them.