How to link to a <div> on another page?

How to link to a <div> on another page?

send emails with laravel

How to send emails with mailable in laravel and how to customize your email content

reset <div> to its original state after it has been modified by JavaScript?

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how to reset <div> to its original state after it has been modified by JavaScript?

How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery?

How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery?

create ajax request with file upload with formData

how to create ajax request without using serialize

create pagination and display it in laravel

how to create pagination and correctly display it in laravel

multi auth logout in laravel

how to create working logout function specially for multi auth in laravel or for the admins

Json Data, stringfy, parse

IN javascript you can convert js data such as array into JSON using JSON.stringfy() , and back from JSON to js array using JSON.Parse, Here is the syntax :

Ajax with laravel

this snippet will explain how to create ajax requests with laravel specially with forms

Laravel - Send Email Example

In order to send an email message from laravel, there are numerous ways to do so. Here is the least complicated one.