Record highlighter on mouseover

To highlight a record or a row in a list of rows, use the following simple code

Send DIV contents to printer, print div contents

Sometimes you will need to print/send the contents of a div to the printer using JS, here is the code for both HTML and JS

MYSQL Get column names concatenated

If you want to get a table column names from mysql database as a concatenated string, you can use the following code

PHP Unit Testing Examples

In this article we will just show few examples and guide lines for Unit Testing in Laravel applications.

Laravel Artisan summary

Here is a list of a quick guide for almost all important artisan commands that can be used to make it easy to go a long with new laravel application

How to open new tab with AJAX response and print it directly

In this snippet I will explain how to open a new tab with AJAX response and print it directly

How to force all URLs to follow HTTPS protocol not HTTP

In this snippet I will explain how to force all URLs in your website to follow HTTPS protocol not HTTP

Ajax submits the form twice

Sometimes you will have ajax submitting the form twice, you can stop this by using the following :

Add php.ini settings to your laravel project on AWS

If you want to add additional php.ini settings in your project onAWS, You can simply edit the php.ini found in /etc irectory. Or you can also create a new file names .user.ini file and add it to your /public directory or the root of your application.

Integrate amazon s3 to laravel project

In this snippet I will teach you how to integrate amazon s3 with your laravel project