Category : JavaScript &Jquery

Reload page using JS

If you need to reload the current page using JS, use on the following suggestions

javascript convert datetime to date and time

this snippet will teach you how to convert datetime to time and date individually

Setting current date for a date input type box in a modal

this snippet will teach you how to set current date and current datetime in input date and input datetime-local specially on fire bootstrap modal

jquery reset select to first option

this snippet will teach you how to select first option of select element specially on real time or ajax response

Disable click outside of bootstrap modal area to close modal

This snippet will teach you how to prevent modal close on clicking outside the bootstrap modal

Print a div content using Javascript

This snippet will allow you to print the content of specific div directly from your application

Automate the process of youtube comments

This script runs in an extension that will automate the process of commenting on any video.

Refresh&reload the content in Div using jquery&ajax

Refresh/reload the content in Div using jquery/ajax

reset <div> to its original state after it has been modified by JavaScript?

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how to reset <div> to its original state after it has been modified by JavaScript?

How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery?

How do you select a particular option in a SELECT element in jQuery?