Category : Git

How to connect to server using Git and Github

In this snippet I will explain how to create connection between local git, github and remote server

Remove folder from local and remote

In this snippet I will teach you how to delete folder from local and remote

remove remote from github

this snippet will provide you with a remove remote snippet to remove remote url from github

Solution for removing password authentication on github

In 13 august 2021 , github removed password authentication so when you push to github you will face a problem here is the solution

Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line

Adding an existing project to GitHub repository using the command line

Git famous commands

Here is a list of the most commonely used Git commands, that no one can use Git without.

Setup Git on remote and local server

Setup a git repository on your local and remote servers together, So that you can manage and upload your website directly from your local git repo to online repo.