Category : Laravel

Ajax with laravel

this snippet will explain how to create ajax requests with laravel specially with forms

Laravel - Send Email Example

In order to send an email message from laravel, there are numerous ways to do so. Here is the least complicated one.

show right modal based on right error type

how to show right modal based on right error type specially in case that there are 2 modals on the same page

Custom validation error messages

In case you wanetd to change the error message of a validation rule in Laravel you can make use of the following snippet.

Keeping modal dialog open after validation error laravel

Laravel automatically checks for errors in the session data and so, an $errors variable is actually always available on all your views. If you want to display a modal when there are any errors present, you can try something like this:

Setting value of input type=datetime-local on laravel

how to Set value of input type=datetime-local on laravel

show old input value when editing a form in Laravel

show old input value when editing a form in Laravel specially on validation error

Reset password for admin or user manually on Laravel

Here is a brief overview on how to implement a reset password manually for users in Laravel application.

Convert timestamp into custom date format Laravel

how to Convert timestamp into custom date format in Laravel